TV / 2019

Nutritiously Nicola

Red Helium 8K S35mm
Schneider Xenon FF Primes

Nicola has multiple mental health issues. She’s pushing thirty. And is being inconveniently haunted by the ghost of her anorexic friend, as she tries to make a life from herself in East London. After being released from the eating disorder clinic, again, Nicola restarts her recovery journey. She soon realises that trying to ‘live her best life’ on Instagram and ED recovery may not be entirely compatible…

Shot on a minuscule budget, camera and lighting crew was just my 2 ACs and I.
It was a great project to be part of due to the time restrictions and budget constraints. What really drove this production was the laughter and great production team behind this Comedy TV series.

Clips from this TV series can only be viewed on the official Nutritiously Nicola YouTube channel.



A seven-part comedy series.
Created and written by Natalie Bray
Directed by Osagie Samuel
Produced by Double Yay Productions

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